Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Churches who end their church calendar in the summer are no doubt beginning the process of nominating new elders and deacons. Has your church had difficulty gathering enough names for office-bearer nominations? Yes, it is a common problem all over North America. Are we just too busy? Have mixed-up priorities? Have our elders and deacons become just "managers" or "board members"? What lies behind the problem and how can we encourage men to faithfully stand up to shepherd our congregations? Click here to see a letter First CRC in Byron Center, Michigan, sent out to its congregation. Let's use it as a springboard for discussion.

1 comment:

Joe A.Serge said...

More may be willing to stand for Council if made aware that Office bearers are ordained to regulate the worship service. Too often Elders abdicate this responsibility in empowering a worship committee to organize the worship format without on-going accountability. In so doing they abandon their primary duty to God and congregation.