Friday, February 02, 2007

Biblical, Confessional, Reformed Worship

We are hoping to provide a forum on a variety of topics as they relate to the Christian life. Certainly central to our lives is worship. What is biblical, confessional, reformed worship? Do those adjectives flow from one to the other or not? Have we been missing the ball somewhere? Or are we more in danger of "throwing the baby out with the bath water"? Anyway, a few questions to ponder. Please - leave your comments.

1 comment:

rick boerman said...

Just because we've always done it this way doesn't cut it anymore. We recieved an exellent K-12 Christian education,were faithfully taught the catecism but never were taught about "Biblical,confessional,Reformed worship" Did I miss that Day? Our churches practiced it. Now when we are confronted with some man-centered "seeker friendly" entertainment we need better answeres than "I'm not comfortable with that." or "Thats not how it was done when I was a kid." Maybe the education on the layman level needs to be better? Just some thoughts. R.Boerman