Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Conferences 2008!

Attending a conference is a great way to get good, solid biblical teaching and also broaden your perspective of Christ's church. There are several good conferences this spring - and most of them aren't just for pastors! If you have any others to add to the list, please post a comment. Here are some links:
  • February 4-6 Desiring God (John Piper) National Pastors' Conference, Minneapolis, MN: "The Pastor as Father and Son"
  • February 29-3/2 PCRT (Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology), Sacramento, CA: "Precious Blood: Christ's Atoning Work"
  • March 13-15 Ligonier National Conference, Orlando, FL: "Evangelism According to Jesus"
  • April 4-6 PCRT, Atlanta, GA: "Precious Blood: Christ's Atoning Work"
  • April 15-17 T4G (Together for the Gospel), Louisville, KY
  • April 18-20 PCRT, Grand Rapids, MI: "Precious Blood: Christ's Atoning Work" There will again be a Returning Church event the evening before the PCRT begins. Watch the blog for more details.
  • April 25-27 PCRT, Philadelphia, PA: "Precious Blood: Christ's Atoning Work"
  • May 27-29 Banner of Truth Ministers' Conference, Grantham, PA


Bret L. McAtee said...

Eschatology conference in Toledo Ohio this weekend (12-13 March) with Richard Gaffin, Thomas Ice, and Ken Gentry.

Chad Steenwyk said...

Reformed Youth Services is holding a high school youth convention in Minneapolis from July 21-25 this summer. They have a strong Reformed and covenantal approach to youth ministry. I would you encourage you all to check it out by going to www.reformedyouthservice.org. There are a variety of CRCs, RCUSs, URCs, OPCs, PCAs who are members.