Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Covenant of Ordination (f.k.a. Form of Subscription)

The proposed revisions by the synod-appointed committee to the "Form of Subscription" - proposed to be called the "Covenant of Ordination" - has already raised significant discussion (see comments under "Nederhood's Banner Article" post below and the CRC-Voices discussion group). Does the "Covenant" essential end the CRCNA's position as a confessional church or are people over-reacting? Since all office-bearers will sign it going forward and it will guide who leads our church into the future, it is a vital topic to discuss.

Click here for a copy of the report and proposed revision.

Click here for a copy of the current "FOS".

Dr. Raymond Blacketer wrote a response letter which you can find on the CRConnect blog by clicking here.


lloyd said...

I think I heard John Piper say that he learned from C.S. Lewis the dangers and problems of "Chronological Snobbery". That is exactly what this new "covenant" is. It's basically saying that they did the best they could back then, but now we really have it figured out.

I bet part of this is related to the whole problem of evolution. The schools and our society teach that we all descended from cavemen, so it's easy for us to assume that we know better now, because after all, man's evolving. In reality however, the Bible teaches us that we are becoming increasingly destroyed by the effects of sin in a fallen world. So, if anything, we are dumber now, then they were 400 years ago. Not that we should idolize the reformers as super humans, or even super Christians. But, we must not look down on them, because they were in an old out dated, uneducated world. We have been given the same Spirit of truth.

Lloyd Hemstreet
Sparta Trinity CRC, MI

Finally, truth remains true. For all truth has it's basis in the eternal, unchanging God, who can not lie. So, as God does not change, neither can His truth, word, or His will for His church.

Chad Steenwyk said...

Randy Blacketer has a great response that is being published on www.crconnect.blogspot.com in the next couple of days. Check it out. He asserts that the committee has gone far beyond its mandate and is in essence, changing the foundations of the CRC.

One comment in the report that stuck out to me on page 5 - "Ironically, it has been under the current FOS’s stern watch that a significant and increasing neglect of the confessions has occurred.” For one thing – since when is the FOS a living, breathing entity of its own. Our unwillingness to hold one another accountable and exercise church discipline is the problem. Also, this line is used as if have great concern over the neglect of the confessions. The rest of their report demonstrates exactly the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Blog: The Dominee
Post: Form of Subscription Guidelines
Link: http://drdominee.blogspot.com/2007/10/form-of-subscription-guidelines.html

Dr. Randy Blacketer
Neerlandia CRC, AB

Anonymous said...

It is rather interesting for me to read that post. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.