Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Issues in Classis

Many pastors, elders and churches have expressed their consternation with how to deal with the issue of women-in-office at the classis level. Until now, there has been a sort of "theological classis" format with some leaving "male" in the church order and some declaring it "inoperative." How has your congregation dealt with the issue or how are you planning to deal with it in the future as it looks like Synod will delete the word "male" out of the church order altogether?


Anonymous said...

We did not attend our last classis meeting. We noted on our credentials that we will be looking for another classis where we would be theologically compatible. We aren’t sure where we will end up; we do know that if theological classes form we would be willing to travel a good distance to work with like minded brothers.

I was greatly encouraged by the September 11 meeting in Byron Center. I pray that the Lord will bring true revival to our denomination and that we will return to the authority of Scripture in every area.

Pastor Ted Gray
1st CRC
Oak Lawn, IL

Anonymous said...

I recently did my "quarter at Calvin" and was relieved to see that the issue of women in office is still a hotly debated topic up there. There were many students and even a few female students who disagreed with women in office. Many (although not majority)students are disatisfied with the direction certain things are taken. I find these facts encouraging to still puruse the ministry in the CRC.

Steve Van Noort
Student at Mid America Reformed Seminary

Anonymous said...
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