Monday, September 25, 2006


During CRCNA Synod 2006 several pastors, elders and other members met to discuss where the denomination was headed and what could be done. From those meeting six pastors in West Michigan began meeting to discuss how to handle this in their own congregations and ministries. The model of just being against something didn't accurately articulate the response to some trends in the church. Rather, it was more that we were for the upholding of God and His Word.

As a result, Dr. Joel Nederhood was asked to speak and on September 11, 2006 a meeting was held at 1st CRC in Byron Center. Several hundred CRC pastors, elders, deacons and members were in attendance. Rev. Jerry Dykstra, Executive Director of the CRCNA, spoke briefly and was offered our support and prayers. Dr. Joel Nederhood preached on Jeremiah 6:16, challenging us to resist the powerful idolatry of this world and return, not to the traditions of 30-40 years ago, but the “ancient paths” of God’s Word. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer and God’s Word, may the Christian Reformed Church always be a “returning church” and may God bless her for the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

herb/laurie schreur said...

Thanks to all of you for being out there .Sometimes it seems like we're really a long ways fromG.R. It hasbeen a real blessing to know others share our concerns. Whether we see things be as we would like them in our lifetime is not so important. Nut may those who come behind us find us faithful,to the Word and it's message. Herb Schreur,Wright CRC, Kanawha, Iowa.